medical certificate is required for competitive races in France. 

This certificate has to comply with the following criteria.

  1. The medical certificate is valid for one year. That means that your certificate can't be older than one year on the date of the race.
    Example of a valid medical certificate: The Trail du Grand Ballon will take place on the 2nd of May, 2020. Your medical certificate is established by a physician on the 2nd of May, 2019 or later. 
    Example of a non-valid medical certificate: The Trail du Grand Ballon will take place on the 2nd of May, 2020. Your medical certificate is established by a physician on the 1st of May, 2019 or earlier. 

  2. The medical certificate is established by a general practitioner or a physician and must contains his/her stamp
    A medical certificate without stamp is a non-valid medical certificate wich means you can't participate in the race.

  3. The medical certificate must be understandable by the organizer. A medical certificate in a language other than French or English is probably not understandable for the organizer and is consequently not valid. We recommend a medical certificate in French or in English.
    You can download an example below on this page.

  4. The medical certificate must contains the next phrase in the language in wich the certificate is established: "...establishes that there are no contraindications to the practice of competitive sport."

  5. A valid FFA licence or a valid Pass J'aime courir can replace the medical certificate.

    Download the medical certificate (French)                    Download the medical certificate (English)

    You can upload the medical certificate in your account during or after your registration.